
Desfrute do seu pequeno-almoço num luxuoso barco privado em Amsterdã!

Cruzeiro privado com pequeno-almoço pelos canais de Amesterdão

O cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão é a experiência de pequeno-almoço mais exclusiva de Amesterdão. Embarque no nosso clássico & barco-saloon chique e luxuoso de 1920 e desfrute de um passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço de 2 horas enquanto saboreia um pequeno-almoço saudável, americano ou clássico!Dependendo do barco, podemos acomodar até 12 pessoas para um passeio gastronómico com pequeno-almoço.
Elegante cruzeiro com jantar a bordo do barco Undine em Amesterdão
Cruzeiro de pequeno-almoço sofisticado a bordo do Undine
O barco pode acomodar 2 a 12 pessoas para um cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço. Pode encomendar à la carte a bordo do Restaurant Black. Veja o menu abaixo para ver as opções:
breakfast cruise amsterdam
Carne e opções vegetarianas para o cruzeiro de pequeno-almoço

Reserve o seu passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço

Para reservar o seu cruzeiro de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão, basta ligar-nos através do +31 6 45 25 1000 ou fazer uma reserva online através do nosso sistema de reservas. Pode simplesmente escolher um pacote com pelo menos 120 minutos e selecionar o seu horário de início preferido. Se quiser tomar o pequeno-almoço vegan, pode mencionar isso na secção de comentários. Para o pequeno-almoço vegetariano/com carne normal, pode simplesmente selecionar o restaurante Black no menu suspenso como opção.Caso tenha mais alguma dúvida, também pode contactar-nos via WhatsApp utilizando a função de chat no canto esquerdo. Algum desejo especial? Por favor, informe-nos e teremos todo o prazer em ver como podemos tornar este passeio numa experiência inesquecível para si!
cruzeiro privado de luxo com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão


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Preço de um cruzeiro de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão

O preço de um cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço privado começa nos 430 EUR + as taxas do pequeno-almoço da sua preferência. A duração deste passeio é sempre de, no mínimo, 2 horas – para que possa desfrutar da comida e ainda ter tempo suficiente para conhecer a cidade. Claro que também é possível fazer um passeio mais longo de 2,5 ou 3 horas para descobrir mais dos canais e do centro histórico da cidade.
passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão e champanhe
Cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço privado em Amesterdão

Reserve o seu passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço

Para reservar o seu cruzeiro de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão, basta ligar-nos através do +31 6 45 25 1000 ou fazer uma reserva online através do nosso sistema de reservas. Pode simplesmente escolher um pacote com pelo menos 120 minutos e selecionar o seu horário de início preferido. Se quiser tomar o pequeno-almoço vegan, pode mencionar isso na secção de comentários. Para o pequeno-almoço vegetariano/com carne normal, pode simplesmente selecionar o restaurante Black no menu suspenso como opção.Caso tenha mais alguma dúvida, também pode contactar-nos via WhatsApp utilizando a função de chat no canto esquerdo. Algum desejo especial? Por favor, informe-nos e teremos todo o prazer em ver como podemos tornar este passeio numa experiência inesquecível para si!
cruzeiro privado de luxo com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão
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Cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço vegan em Amesterdão

Para os nossos companheiros veganos, também oferecemos a opção de um cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço totalmente vegan. Este pequeno-almoço contém muitos artigos alimentares biológicos, bem como sumos biológicos. Abaixo pode ver uma lista dos nossos artigos alimentares para o passeio de pequeno-almoço vegan. O pequeno-almoço custa 20 EUR por pessoa.
      1. Croissants(orgânicoseà base de plantasda padaria descolada de Amesterdão Jordaan “Margos“) Escolha entre uma variedade dos seus produtos frescos e variedades de croissants caseiros: Queijo, Presunto, Chocolate e Simples.
      1. Complete com o item de pequeno-almoço holandês Hagelslag – que também é conhecido como granulado de chocolate puro (sem produtos lácteos). Doce e delicioso – um começo perfeito para o dia!
      1. Também forneceremos qualquer um dos seus sabores de geleia favoritos – morango – framboesa – alperce etc.
      1. Os sumos biológicos não podem faltar, claro, para começar bem o dia.
      1. Café e O chá será servido a bordo na nossa máquina Nespresso para o acordar 🙂
    passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão e champanhe 
    Melhore o seu passeio de pequeno-almoço com uma garrafa de champanhe

    Preço de um cruzeiro de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão

    O preço de um cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço privado começa nos 430 EUR + as taxas do pequeno-almoço da sua preferência. A duração deste passeio é sempre de, no mínimo, 2 horas – para que possa desfrutar da comida e ainda ter tempo suficiente para conhecer a cidade. Claro que também é possível fazer um passeio mais longo de 2,5 ou 3 horas para descobrir mais dos canais e do centro histórico da cidade.
    passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão e champanhe
    Cruzeiro com pequeno-almoço privado em Amesterdão

    Reserve o seu passeio de barco com pequeno-almoço

    Para reservar o seu cruzeiro de barco com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão, basta ligar-nos através do +31 6 45 25 1000 ou fazer uma reserva online através do nosso sistema de reservas. Pode simplesmente escolher um pacote com pelo menos 120 minutos e selecionar o seu horário de início preferido. Se quiser tomar o pequeno-almoço vegan, pode mencionar isso na secção de comentários. Para o pequeno-almoço vegetariano/com carne normal, pode simplesmente selecionar o restaurante Black no menu suspenso como opção.Caso tenha mais alguma dúvida, também pode contactar-nos via WhatsApp utilizando a função de chat no canto esquerdo. Algum desejo especial? Por favor, informe-nos e teremos todo o prazer em ver como podemos tornar este passeio numa experiência inesquecível para si!
    cruzeiro privado de luxo com pequeno-almoço em Amesterdão
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    Наслаждайтесь завтраком на роскошной частной лодке в Амстердаме!


    Частный круиз по каналам с завтраком в Амстердаме

    Круиз с завтраком в Амстердаме — это самый уникальный опыт завтрака в Амстердаме. Поднимитесь на борт нашего классического & шикарная роскошная лодка-салон 1920 года и насладитесь 2-часовой прогулкой на лодке с завтраком, наслаждаясь полезным американским или классическим завтраком!

    В зависимости от лодки, мы можемвместить до 12 человек для кулинарного тура с завтраком.

    Элегантный круиз с ужином на борту лодки Undine в Амстердаме


    Роскошный круиз с завтраком на борту Undine

    Лодка может вместить от 2 до 12 человек для круиза с завтраком. Вы можете заказать блюда a la carte на борту в ресторане Black. Смотрите меню ниже для их опций:

    круиз по завтраку в Амстердаме


    Мясо и Вегетарианские варианты для круиза с завтраком

    Круиз с веганским завтраком Амстердам

    Для наших приверженцев растительной пищи мы также предлагаем вариант полностью веганского круиза с завтраком. Этот завтрак содержит множество органических продуктов, а также органических соков. Ниже вы можете увидеть список наших продуктов для тура с веганским завтраком. Стоимость завтрака составляет 20 евро с человека.


        1. Круассаны(органические& растительныеиз модной пекарни в Амстердаме Jordaan “Margos“) Выбирайте из множества их свежих & Домашние круассаны: С сыром, Ветчиной, Шоколадом и Обычными.

        1. Дополните его голландским блюдом для завтрака Hagelslag, которое также известно как чистая (безмолочная) шоколадная посыпка. Сладкий и вкусный — идеальное начало дня!

        1. Мы также предоставим любой из ваших любимых вкусов джема — клубничный, малиновый, абрикосовый и т. д.

        1. Конечно, нельзя пропустить органические соки, чтобы хорошо начать день.

        1. Кофе и На борту вам подадут чай из нашей кофемашины Nespresso, чтобы разбудить вас 🙂

      завтрак на лодке тур амстердам шампанское


      Усовершенствуйте свой завтрак на лодке с бутылкой шампанского

      Цена круиза на лодке с завтраком в Амстердаме

      Цена завтрак на частном круизе с завтраком начинается от 430 евро + стоимость выбранного вами завтрака. Продолжительность этого тура всегда составляет минимум 2 часа – так что вы можете насладиться едой, а также иметь достаточно времени, чтобы познакомиться с городом. Конечно, также возможно провести расширенный тур на 2,5 или 3 часа, чтобы открыть для себяr больше каналов и исторического центра города.

      завтрак на лодке тур амстердам шампанское


      Частный круиз с завтраком в Амстердаме

      Забронируйте тур на лодке с завтраком

      Чтобы забронировать круиз на лодке с завтраком в Амстердаме, вы можете просто позвонить нам по телефону +31 6 45 25 1000 или сделать онлайн-бронирование через нашу систему бронирования. Вы можете просто выбрать пакет продолжительностью не менее 120 минут и указать предпочитаемое вами время начала. Если вы хотите заказать веганский завтрак, вы можете указать это в разделе комментариев. Для обычного вегетарианского/мясного завтрака вы можете просто выбрать ресторан Black из выпадающего меню в качестве опции.

      Если у вас есть еще вопросы, вы также можете написать нам в Whatsapp, используя функцию чата в левом углу. Есть особые пожелания? Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать, и мы с радостью посмотрим, как сделать этот тур незабываемым для вас!

      частный роскошный круиз с завтраком в Амстердаме

      Панель видна только владельцу виджета
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      Панель видна только владельцу виджета
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      Best Museum Amsterdam – the Houseboat Museum Prinsengracht!

      things to do in amsterdam
      best museum amsterdam

      Exploring the Houseboat Museum in Amsterdam: A Unique Look at Life on the Water

      Amsterdam is renowned for its iconic canals, historic architecture, and vibrant culture. The most fascinating and best museum in Amsterdam is the Houseboat Museum (Woonboot Museum), offering visitors an intimate glimpse into a distinctive way of life that many locals cherish – living on the water.

      best museum amsterdam

      The Houseboat Museum is located in the heart of Amsterdam, on the famous Prinsengracht Canal. Just a few minutes walk away from the Anne Frank House and rated with an average of 4,4 on Google, makes the Houseboat Museum the best museum Amsterdam.

      It’s housed on a traditional cargo ship named the Hendrika Maria, which provides a rare and authentic opportunity to experience what it’s like to live in one of these floating homes. Houseboats are a significant part of Amsterdam’s cityscape and have been a staple of the city’s culture for decades, with over 2,500 houseboats scattered throughout its canal network.

      History of the Hendrika Maria – from cargo ship to the Best Museum Amsterdam

      The ship was used for freight transportation from 1914 to 1967. The family of 4 had only a little room to live and work. Sailing to many scandinavian countries to pick up and load all kind of goods (timber wood, sand etc), the whole family had to work. It was not an easy time as also the children had to help a lot back then.

      From 1967 the boat was taken out of service and turned into a traditional dutch houseboat. Different parties have lived on the Hendrika Maria houseboat until 1997.

      In 1997 the houseboat was turned into the best museum of Amsterdam from the founder Vincent van Loon. He had the great vision to showcast the history of this unique sail ship to the public audience. Nowadays, many international visitors appreciate the visit of the best museum Amsterdam and its interesting features.

      A Unique Museum Experience

      The Houseboat Museum is an interactive experience that offers visitors a hands-on understanding of houseboat life. The museum is located aboard a real, operational houseboat, giving it an undeniable sense of authenticity. Visitors can explore the various rooms of the boat, each furnished and decorated to reflect the interior of a typical Amsterdam houseboat.

      best museum amsterdam houseboat museum

      The exhibition covers different aspects of life on a houseboat, from practicalities such as water supply and waste management, to the more personal elements like the cozy living spaces and the art and décor that make these floating homes unique.

      The Houseboat Museum is voted from many visitors as best museum Amsterdam. It gives an insight into the environmental and logistical challenges of living on water, from mooring and the maintenance of the boat, to the ever-present need to balance comfort with limited space.

      For many visitors, it is an opportunity to step into a way of life that may seem foreign, but is deeply embedded in the city’s culture. Houseboats are not only practical but are often highly sought after, offering a unique perspective on life in one of the most water-centric cities in the world.

      Features of the Houseboat Museum

      The museum’s intimate setting makes it feel less like a traditional museum and more like stepping into someone’s home. Inside, you’ll find original artifacts, photographs, and descriptions that showcase the history of houseboats in Amsterdam. The museum is designed to be accessible to everyone, with audio guides in 8 different languages (English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Portugese). Making it easy for international visitors to understand the significance of this way of life.

      best museum amsterdam

      Visitors will also appreciate the various exhibits detailing the environmental impact of living on a houseboat. With Amsterdam’s increasing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly living, the Houseboat Museum sheds light on how houseboats can play a role in reducing the city’s carbon footprint. It also touches on the significance of floating homes as future solution considering the rising sea levels.

      Additionally, the museum is small but incredibly charming. With only a limited number of rooms to explore, it offers a personal and quiet experience. The museum is also centrally located, meaning it’s easy to incorporate into a wider exploration of Amsterdam’s canal system and surrounding neighborhoods.

      Practical Information

      Opening Hours: The Houseboat Museum is open daily, making it an easy destination to include in your Amsterdam itinerary. For public holidays please check the visitor information for special opening hours.

      It’s open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily, allowing visitors ample time to explore the boat and its exhibits. The museum’s cozy setting also makes it an excellent place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a while.

      Entrance Prices: The admission fees are reasonable, making the museum an affordable stop for tourists and locals alike. The standard entrance fee is €9,50 for adults (all day entrance), with reduced rates of €5.00 for children (ages 6–15) and Children under 5 can enter for free, making it a family-friendly museum.

      For early morning entrance (10am to 12pm) you can get a reduced price.

      Tickets can be purchased in the reservation system.


      kitchen museum

      Are dogs allowed on the Houseboat Museum Amsterdam?

      Pets are welcome if not too big. The Houseboat Museum is happy to welcome your four-legged furry friend on board. You can also do a dog friendly canal cruise on our private boat tour Amsterdam.

      dog friendly canal cruise


      Private Boat Tours in Miami

      private boat tours miami

      Why Choose Private Boat Tours in Miami?

      Private Boat Tours Miami can start at 200 USD per hour. You can get in touch for a day charter or watersport activity during your private boat hire in the sunny state Florida. Miami beach is known for its stunning beaches and endless activities. Get the best experience and hire a private boat for a fun day activity with your friends.

      private yacht charter miami

      1. Personalized Experience: Private boat tours in Miami provide a unique and personalized experience tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day on the water, an adventurous fishing trip, or a romantic sunset cruise, you can customize your itinerary. A private captain can guide you to the best spots based on your interests, ensuring a memorable experience.

      2. Avoid the Crowds: Public boat tours can often be crowded, which might detract from the enjoyment of your experience. With private boat tours, you can avoid the hustle and bustle, allowing for a more intimate setting with friends or family. This privacy enhances the overall comfort and enjoyment of the trip.

      3. Flexibility: One of the standout features of private boat tours is their flexibility. You can choose the duration of your trip, the destinations you want to visit, and even the activities you’d like to engage in. Whether it’s swimming, snorkeling, or simply sunbathing on the deck, the choice is yours.

      4. Explore Hidden Gems: Miami, Florida is home to numerous hidden gems that are difficult to access by land. Boat tours allow you to discover secluded beaches, pristine islands, and secret spots that are off the beaten path. You can explore locations like the stunning sandbars of Biscayne Bay or the enchanting Virginia Key.

      private boat tours miami


      Popular Destinations for Private Boat Tours Miami Beach Florida

      1. Biscayne Bay: Biscayne Bay is a must-visit when exploring Miami by boat. This beautiful waterway offers scenic views of the Miami skyline, luxurious waterfront homes, and various recreational activities. As you glide across the bay, be on the lookout for dolphins and other marine life.

      2. Stiltsville: Stiltsville is a collection of wooden houses built on stilts in the waters of Biscayne Bay. These colorful, historic homes date back to the 1930s and provide a picturesque backdrop for a private boat tour. It’s a perfect spot for photos and a cherished piece of Miami history.

      3. Key Biscayne: Key Biscayne is known for its beautiful beaches and lush parks. A private boat tour allows you to explore Crandon Park and Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, where you can swim, picnic, or hike. The iconic Cape Florida Lighthouse is another highlight, offering stunning views of the ocean.

      4. Miami River: For a unique perspective of the city, cruising along the Miami River is a fascinating option. This journey allows you to see the city from a different angle, with views of the bustling port, historic buildings, and vibrant neighborhoods.

      miami to bahamas bimini daytrip boat

      Tips for Your Private Boat Tour

      1. Safety First: Before setting sail, make sure to discuss safety protocols with your captain. Ensure that everyone on board is aware of life jacket locations and emergency procedures. This is especially important if you plan to swim or participate in water sports.

      2. Pack Accordingly: Depending on the length of your tour, you’ll want to pack essentials such as sunscreen, hats, towels, and snacks. If you plan to swim, don’t forget to bring swimwear and extra clothes. Additionally, bring a camera or smartphone to capture the stunning scenery and memories.

      3. Choose the Right Boat: When booking a private boat tour, consider the size and type of boat that best fits your group. Whether it’s a luxurious yacht, a classic sailboat, or a spacious motorboat, make sure the vessel meets your needs and comfort requirements.

      4. Consider Timing: Timing your tour can significantly enhance your experience. Early morning or late afternoon are ideal times for boat tours to avoid the midday heat and enjoy a cooler breeze. Additionally, sunset cruises can be particularly romantic with breathtaking views of the sun setting over the horizon.

      5. Communicate with Your Captain: A good captain will understand your interests and ensure you have a great experience. Don’t hesitate to communicate your preferences and expectations, whether it’s about the route, the pace of the tour, or any activities you want to do.


      Private boat tours in Miami offer a fantastic way to discover the beauty and excitement of this vibrant city from the water. With the ability to customize your experience, avoid crowds, and explore hidden gems, a private boat tour is a memorable way to spend a day in South Florida. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion, enjoying a family outing, or seeking tranquility on the water, Miami’s private boat tours are sure to provide the adventure

      What to do in Amsterdam when it rains

      things to do in amsterdam
      Ritz private boat Amsterdam exterior

      What to Do in Amsterdam When It Rains: Exploring the City’s Hidden Gems

      The capital of the Netherlands is celebrated for its picturesque canals and vibrant culture. It remains an enthralling destination even under the embrace of rain. Many travelers might hesitate to venture out in damp conditions. However, there are numerous activities and attractions to keep your spirits high while making the most of your trip. This article explores various things to do in Amsterdam when it rains, including delightful private boat tours with Boatboys. Visit the iconic houseboat museum, have fun indoor activities, and delicious food on fleets. Whether you’re seeking culture, comfort, or adventure, Amsterdam has something for everyone despite the weather.

      rainy day amsterdam

      1. Discover the City from the Water with Boatboys Private Boat Tours

      When it rains in Amsterdam, a great way to explore the city is by taking a private boat tour with Boatboys. This unique experience allows you to explore the city’s famous canals while staying sheltered from rain. Letting you take in the beautiful surroundings without getting soaked.

      Tzar classic saloon boat private Amsterdam indoor seating

      Why Choose Boatboys for an Amsterdam canal cruise?

      Boatboys stands out by offering a personalized experience tailored to your preferences. Whether traveling solo, as a couple, or with family, their private boat rentals allow you to curate your adventure. You can choose your route, stopping at key landmarks like the Anne Frank House, the gorgeous bridges, and quintessential Dutch architecture. A private canal cruise ensures you stay dry while exploring Amsterdam.

      The boats are heated and covered. The pickup is at Oosterdokskade 8, which is near Amsterdam central station. On request, pick up can be also closer to your hotel to spare you the walking during bad weather. However. we always advice to take an umbrella with you – you never know where you want to walk after the tour.

      Ritz enclosed saloon boat Amsterdam

      Our boats are well-maintained and have cozy seating and covers to ensure your comfort. Additionally, you can bring your own aboard if you wish to enjoy some food or drinks. You can also order a catered package from local suppliers. This flexibility means you can savor local cheeses and beers. Even satisfied in a romantic bottle of wine as you glide through the canals.

      Types of Boat Tours during a rainy day

      Ritz enclosed and heated Amsterdam Canal Boat for rainy days

      Boatboys also offers canal cruise day trips with wine and cheese-tasting options. Those make your cruise even more enjoyable. With the right ambiance and a friendly skipper, you can learn about Amsterdam while tasting delicious local specialities. This unique experience is a perfect way to keep entertained and cozy on a rainy day. Fuelling both your spirit and palate!

      Foam Photography Opportunities

      Moreover, the boat’s picturesque views present fantastic foam photography opportunities. Capturing unique angles of Amsterdam’s stunning architecture and the reflections along the canals. Be sure to have your camera ready. The ambiance of misty water and raindrops can create enchanting visuals that showcase the city’s charm.

      2. Step into the Unique Houseboat Museum

      If you are looking for a delightful indoor activity, look no further than the Houseboat Museum. This museum is located in Prinsengracht and offers a unique perspective on Amsterdam’s culture. It focuses on the experience of living on the water. The Houseboat Museum immerses visitors in the fascinating world of these floating homes, which are emblematic of the city.

      What to Expect at the Houseboat Museum

      houseboat museum amsterdam

      The Houseboat Museum is housed on a quintessential Dutch houseboat and demonstrates life on the water. Visitors can explore furnished rooms that reflect the daily life of residents. Interactive exhibits provide insight into the historical significance of these unique homes. Informative displays detail how houseboats have evolved and adapted to modern comforts amid the ever-changing Amsterdam landscape. This interactive museum counts into the top fun things to do during bad weather. Tickets can be purchased online or at the museum itself.

      things to do in amsterdam when it rains houseboatmuseum

      Engaging Things to do with Family & Friends

      For those seeking family-friendly activities, the museum sometimes offers hands-on workshops. Children can learn through fun yet educational experiences centered on water life. Making it an excellent stop for families looking to entertain their little ones while staying dry.

      3. Dive into Amsterdam’s World-Class Museums Attractions

      When the rain begins to pour, there’s no better time to explore Amsterdam’s expansive world-class museums.

      Amsterdam is rich in European history. It is located in HollandEven on a rainy day, you can dive into the heart of Europe’s artistic and cultural heritage. The Rijksmuseum houses Dutch Masters like Rembrandt and Vermeer, while the Van Gogh Museum displays the iconic artist’s work. For modern art enthusiasts, the Moco Museum offers a vibrant collection of contemporary pieces, including street art.

      A museum visit to Museum Van Loon is a great way to explore Dutch aristocratic life. It is a beautifully preserved canal house. For those interested in history, the guide at the Maritime Museum offers fascinating insights into the Netherlands’ seafaring legacy. Both museums are perfect for rainy-day adventures, offering immersive experiences of Dutch culture and history.

      Must-Visit Famous Museums

      Visit to Rijksmuseum

      rijksmuseum amsterdam highlights

      Home to masterpieces by RembrandtVermeer, and several other Dutch artists, the Rijksmuseum is essential during any Amsterdam trip. Marvel at its impressive collection while learning about Dutch history through art. The grandeur of the building itself is breathtaking, and inside, there’s enough to keep you engaged for hours. Families can take advantage of the interactive family trails, making the visit enjoyable for visitors of all ages.

      Van Gogh Museum

      museum van gogh amsterdam

      Dedicated to the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh, this museum features the largest collection of his paintings and letters. As you navigate through the exhibits, you’ll come to understand how the artist’s experiences and emotions shaped his work. The museum often includes interactive displays. Making an enjoyable guide for younger audiences and encouraging meaningful conversations about art and self-expression.

      Stedelijk Museum

      museum stedelijk amsterdam

      For lovers of modern and contemporary art, the Stedelijk Museum is a must-see. It houses a remarkable collection showcasing iconic works from both Dutch and international artists. Engaging with modern art amidst.

      Foam Photography Museum

      Foam or Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam is a photography museum in Keizersgracht, Amsterdam north.

      They offer a delightful blend of historical and contemporary photography exhibitions. You must book a ticket to see the work of renowned artists and emerging talents.

      Street Art Museum for Art Lovers

      museum street art amsterdam

      Looking for something a little different places? When the weather isn’t ideal, head to the Street Art Museum. This hidden gem showcases some of Europe’s most talented graffiti artists, with colorful and thought-provoking murals indoors.

      4. Indoor Activities for a Rainy Day

      Looking for fun things to do indoors? Try visiting WONDR Experience, an interactive playground with vibrant rooms perfect for snapping photos. Escape rooms are also popular, offering thrilling challenges with friends or family.

      Even when it rains, Amsterdam’s canal belt can be experienced indoors. Book a private canal boat with a roof like a Tzar or Undine boat. Both boats allow you to enjoy the city’s beauty from the boat’s warmth and comfort. Sip a drink as you sail through the canals and watch the rain drizzle on the water.

      cinema in amsterdam

      Cinema lovers can enjoy classic or indie films. It is one of Amsterdam’s most charming theaters, like Tuschinski, and has deco architecture. Another guide for things to do in Amsterdam on a rainy day is to head to Foodhallen in Amsterdam West. Here, you can indulge in international popular food under one roof.

      5. Exploring Amsterdam’s History Indoors

      Anne Frank House is a must-visit location on a rainy day. It offers deep insight into the city’s World War II history. If you’re more interested in maritime history, NEMO Science Museum provides an interactive experience that is perfect for families.

      Night Plans When It Rains

      Rain doesn’t have to ruin your night in Amsterdam. Head to Concertgebouw, known for its incredible acoustics and world-class concerts. Alternatively, you can enjoy a night of music at smaller, intimate venues like Paradiso or Melkweg.

      Rainy Day Shopping in Amsterdam

      Amsterdam has countless indoor shopping locations, making it ideal for rainy-day retail therapy. De Bijenkorf offers high-end fashion and luxury goods, while Magna Plaza combines shopping with beautiful historic architecture.

      Indoor Spots for Love and Relax

      A rainy day in Amsterdam can be just as romantic as a sunny one. Book a cozy table at one of Amsterdam’s best restaurants. Also, Relax in a private canal boat as the rain falls.

      spa wellness in amsterdam

      One of the most relaxing things to do in Amsterdam when raining is to visit a spa or wellness center. Many luxury hotels, such as the Amsterdam Barbizon Palace Hotel, offer spa packages that allow you to relax indoors.

      6. Indoor Love for Dutch Food and Drink

      Amsterdam has some of the best food spots in Holland, perfect for a rainy day. Indulge in local Dutch cuisine, from hearty stamppot to fresh seafood. You can also take a private dinner cruise Amsterdam on a luxury heated saloon boat with Boatboys.

      For regular restaurants, places like Foodhallen offer various international and Dutch foods in an indoor, cozy setting. You can still enjoy a French-style café in Amsterdam if you can’t reach Paris. Sip coffee and indulge in French pastries at one of the city’s cozy bistros.

      Food Experiences In Boat Amsterdam

      Unique Food Experiences

      Amsterdam boasts some fantastic eateries for those looking to enjoy a fine dining experience on a rainy day. Visit De Kas, an upscale restaurant known for using fresh ingredients grown in its greenhouse. Hotel Amsterdam restaurants offer another excellent choice for cozy dining experiences with regional Dutch cuisine.

      Beer Tasting at The Heineken Experience

      the heineken experience in amsterdam

      Explore the Heineken Experience with a brewery guide that immerses you in the beer world. During your visit, you’ll savor freshly brewed Heineken. Book tickets to enjoy the Heineken tour + Rooftop facilities. You can book the rooftop for 2 hours with 3 drinks for € 27. It’s an excellent opportunity to drink a cold beer and enjoy a fantastic view of Amsterdam.

      7. Tips for a Wet Day in Amsterdam

      Rainy days in Amsterdam can be cozy and fun, with plenty of indoor activities and attractions to explore. Here are some great ideas for making the most of a wet day in the city.

      Consider booking museum tickets in advance to avoid lines when planning what to do in Amsterdam on a rainy day. Schiphol Airport is an international airport in Amsterdam city. Anyone can book tickets from London or worldwide. It’s very near to all the indoor places.

      If you’re looking for exercise or relaxation, Amsterdam has several indoor pools that are perfect for a rainy day. Places like the Zuiderbad and Marnixbad offer heated indoor swimming areas. It is ideal for the cold and wet weather.

      Furthermore, Amsterdam Noord is known for its redeveloped wharf area. This area has trendy cafesart galleries, and DJ events around the NDSM cultural center.

      No matter the weather, Amsterdam offers a wealth of indoor attractions. Makes it a perfect destination even on the rainiest days. Enjoy the city’s rich culture, delicious food, and cozy indoor spaces.


      Where to go in Amsterdam when it’s raining?

      If it raining, you can do a comfortable sightseeing tour on a private boat from Boatboys. You can also explore indoor attractions like the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, or the Anne Frank House. Visit the Heineken Experience or the Maritime Museum for an engaging tour. Try Foodhallen, an indoor food market, or relax in cozy cafés for something unique.

      Is Amsterdam usually rainy?

      Yes, Amsterdam encounters frequent rain, particularly in the fall and winter. Dutch weather is unpredictable, so packing a rain jacket or umbrella is a good idea.

      What to do with kids in Amsterdam when it rains?

      Visit indoor spots like the NEMO Science Museum or ARTIS Zoo’s indoor exhibits for a fun day with kids. The WONDR Experience or indoor trampoline parks also offer great entertainment. The Maritime Museum and interactive escape rooms are excellent for older kids.

      What do you wear in Amsterdam in the rain?

      Wear waterproof shoes, a raincoat, or a jacket, and layer up, as the weather can change quickly. Bringing a compact umbrella is also helpful when navigating Amsterdam’s rainy days.

      Fine dining Amsterdam

      top restaurants amsterdam
      fine dining amsterdam

      Unforgettable Fine Dining Experience in Amsterdam: From Private Dinner Cruises to Gourmet Restaurants

      Amsterdam is famous for its rich history and cultural vibrancy. Furthermore, in a European country, it’s also a prime destination for fine dining experiences in Amsterdam. Amsterdam offers several options, from luxurious canal side eating to top restaurants. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the finest fine dining Amsterdam options. Beginning with a private dinner cruise, a memorable opportunity to savor delicious meals on the city’s lovely canals.

      luxurious canalside eating Boat Boys

      Boatboys: A Private Dinner Cruise on a Luxury Saloon Boat

      For those looking to combine scenic beauty with gourmet cuisine, Boatboys offers the perfect solution. Imagine cruising through Amsterdam’s picturesque canals while enjoying a sumptuous private dinner aboard a luxury saloon boat. This exclusive dining experience brings together the romance of the city’s waterways and the expertise of world-class chefs. You and your guests can savor a personalized menu, complete with fine wine pairings, all while gliding past historic landmarks. Whether it’s a special celebration or a romantic evening, Boatboys is an unparalleled choice for dining in style.

      Private Dinner Cruise

      Book your private dinner cruise and explore the vibrant city from the water. No time in the evening? It’s also possible to do a high tea cruise, breakfast or lunch tour.

      2-hr private cruise starts at 430 EUR (food and drinks charged separately and can be ordered on board)

      For 3 – 4 course dining the recommended cruise time is 3-4 hours.

      Spectrum: Elevating Fine Dining to an Art Form

      For a more traditional yet equally luxurious experience, Spectrum is a must-visit restaurant. Located in the heart of Amsterdam, this two-Michelin-starred establishment is famed for its innovative and artistic approach to fine dining.

      Chef Sidney Schutte crafts exquisite dishes that marry the finest local ingredients with international influences. Each plate is a visual masterpiece, offering a multisensory experience that engages both your taste buds and your aesthetic sense.

      At Spectrum, the menu frequently changes to reflect the seasons, ensuring that every visit offers something new. The wine list is equally impressive, with options carefully selected to enhance the flavors of each dish. For those who enjoy the finer things in life, Spectrum is a dining destination that promises to exceed expectations.

      Fine Dining in Amsterdam: A Culinary Paradise

      Amsterdam offers a delightful fine dining scene with a blend of traditional Dutch cuisine and international flavours. Whether you’re looking for Michelin star restaurants or vegan fine dining spots, the city has remarkable culinary experiences.

       traditional Dutch cuisine

      Fine Dining Restaurants in Amsterdam

      For an unforgettable meal, the fine dining restaurants in Amsterdam are some of the best in Europe. These spots offer delicious dishes and deliver an experience defined by elegance, creativity, and passion for food.

      Michelin Star Restaurants in Amsterdam

      Amsterdam boasts numerous Michelin star restaurants recognized globally for their culinary excellence. These places offer haute cuisine, focusing on innovative flavours and beautifully crafted plates.

      Vegan Fine Dining Amsterdam Centrum

      Amsterdam’s fine dining scene has something to offer everyone. A private dinner cruise with Boatboys which is partnering with the Vegan Sushi Bar, or enjoy a Michelin-starred meal at Spectrum (in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel at the Herrengracht) with their extraordinary vegan menu.

      The city also caters to plant-based dietsWith vegan fine dining in Amsterdam, you’ll find restaurants that offer sophisticated, meat-free dishes.

      Vegetarian Fine Dining Amsterdam

      Vegetarian fine dining in Amsterdam provides various options for those who prefer a vegetarian diet. Some of the best vegetarian restaurants blend Dutch tradition with modern cooking techniques, creating delightful and ethical meals.

      Fine Dining Lunch Amsterdam

      Fine dining lunch in Amsterdam offers an excellent opportunity if you’re in the mood for an elegant mid-day meal. Many high-end restaurants present special lunch menus, giving you the perfect excuse to indulge without the commitment of a full dinner.

      Boat Boys offers a remarkable way to enjoy your meal on a cruiseyou can order any courses on boardWe have all types of arrangements to fulfil your wishes. Enjoy the view of cities while having delicious dishes.

      Amsterdam Private Boat Boat Boys

      Best Places to Eat in Amsterdam Centrum

      When looking for the best places to eat in Amsterdam, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. From top-rated restaurants in the Michelin Guide to cosy cafés in Jordaan, there’s a place for every taste. Mos Amsterdam and Restaurant Vermeer are perfect for those seeking luxurious meals.

      Michelin Star Chefs in Amsterdam

      Renowned Michelin chefs such as Richard van Oostenbrugge and Bas van Kranen take the lead in Amsterdam’s fine dining scene. Their culinary artistry is showcased through carefully curated menus featuring dishes inspired by regional and international flavours.

      High-End Restaurants in Amsterdam

      Some high-end restaurants in Amsterdam, like Restaurant RijksBougainville, and Restaurant Europa, offer more than just food. They provide a sensory experience where atmosphere, service, and cuisine unite for an unforgettable meal.

      Unique Restaurants in Amsterdam Centrum

      Amsterdam’s dining scene features a host of unique restaurants. From kaiseki cuisine at a Japanese restaurant to French cuisine in a refined brasserie, the diversity of Amsterdam’s eateries is exceptional.

      Restaurants in Amsterdam City

      Located in Amsterdam’s city center, many fine dining establishments are easily accessible. Whether near SingelKeizersgracht, or Pijp, you’ll find an excellent restaurant nearby.

      Amsterdam Food Spots

      Amsterdam Food Spots & Eating Places

      There are plenty of Amsterdam food spots to explore, each offering various experiences. From brasseries to cafés, the city’s culinary culture is diverse and flavorful. A famous eating place like Food Hallen offers myriad options to satisfy any craving.

      The food options there vary from Japanese Hawaiian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Vietnamese, Vegan Healthy Mexican Cuisines, French pastry, BBQ & Grill, Pizza & Antipasti. Indulge your taste buds and visit this local food hot spot.

      The Best Restaurants in Amsterdam

      Where can you find the best restaurants in Amsterdam? You’ll be pampered for choice, from Ron Gastrobar to Restaurant Aan de Poel. Whether you’re a foodie or just looking to enjoy a great meal, these eateries won’t disappoint.

      Michelin Star Dining Experience

      A meal at a Michelin restaurant in Amsterdam is more than just dining—it’s a complete experience. Expect impeccable service, inventive menus, and culinary creations that tell a story on every plate.

      Excellent Place to Eat in Amsterdam Centrum

      For a nice place to eat in Amsterdam, head to BoardMarie Amsterdam, or Le Restaurant. These establishments offer delightful cuisine in a relaxed yet refined atmosphere.

      Fine Dining Amsterdam: Dutch Cuisine

      Restaurant Rijks stands out for a taste of Dutch cuisine in a delicate dining setting. They focus on local ingredients sourced from Dutch soil, offering dishes that celebrate the rich culinary heritage of the Netherlands.

      Located next to the Rijksmuseum, Restaurant Rijks offers a taste of Dutch culinary history. The menu is a tribute to regional cuisine, with dishes that highlight the Netherlands’ best ingredients.

      High-End French Cuisine

      High-End French Kitchen in Amsterdam

      If you’re a fan of French cuisine, you’ll find some of the finest dishes in Amsterdam’s Michelin-starred French restaurants. The attention to detail in these eateries reflects true culinary artistry.

      Restaurants with a View in Amsterdam – Restaurant 212 and Mos Amsterdam

      Many of Amsterdam’s fine dining restaurants offer stunning views of the city or canals. This enhances your dining experience, especially in Mos Amsterdam or Restaurant Bougainville.

      Amsterdam Restaurants Guide

      For a comprehensive look at the top spots to eat in the city, consult an Amsterdam restaurants guide. It will help you discover new places, ranging from Michelin-starred eateries to hidden gems in neighborhoods like Pijp and Centrum.

      Best Fine Dining Lunch Spots – Brasserie Café Marie at Hotel de L’Europe

      To enjoy a luxurious mid-day meal, consider some of Amsterdam’s best fine-dining lunch spots. A visit to Restaurant Vermeer or Flore for lunch is sure to impress.

      Gourmet Experiences in Amsterdam Centrum

      Amsterdam is a city where foodie experiences thrive. The city’s restaurants provide kaiseki, informal breakfasts and extravagant dinners.

      Exclusive Reservations for Fine Dining in Amsterdam

      Book your tables in advance, especially for fine dining in Amsterdam. Restaurants like Hotel Okura and Amsterdam Barbizon Palace often require reservations due to their exclusivity and popularity.

      Fine Dining in Amsterdam

      Fine Dining in Amsterdam with Dietary Restrictions

      Many of Amsterdam’s fine dining establishments cater to guests with dietary restrictions. Ensuring everyone can enjoy a spectacular meal, whether they need vegetarianvegan, or gluten-free options.

      Amsterdam’s fine dining scene offers an array of culinary wonders, from Dutch traditions to global influences. Making it a must-visit destination for food lovers.

      A Diverse Culinary Scene

      The Dutch capital has evolved into a gastronomic hub, blending traditional cuisine with international influences. Whether exploring Michelin-star restaurants or hidden gems like Café Restaurant Amsterdam, the dining scene reflects a blend of contemporary and classic flavours.

      Michelin-Star Masterpieces

      For those seeking the highest level of dining, Amsterdam is home to Michelin-starred establishments. Juwelier is a shining example of culinary brilliance, offering refined dining experiences that are both artistic and flavorful. The same can be said for Troef, which has won the hearts of food lovers with its creative use of fresh ingredients.

      Top Chefs at Work

      The city’s fine dining is shaped by some of the best culinary talents in Europe. For instance, executive Chef Bas van Kranen crafts unforgettable meals with a focus on using seasonal ingredients. At Bak Restaurant, the chefs’ creativity shines through in every dish, offering a unique take on regional cuisine.

      Fine Dining Blends Dutch on Boat

      Dutch and International Fusion

      Amsterdam’s fine dining blends Dutch and foreign flavors, which makes it unique. You’ll find traditional Dutch ingredients paired with culinary techniques from around the world, creating a fusion that surprises and delights.

      French Food Excellence

      If you’re in the mood for French food, Amsterdam has you covered. Restaurants like Flore (a la carte) and Restaurant Kortekaas (several course dinner menu) provide an exquisite take on classic French dishes. Café Restaurant Amsterdam adds a local twist to these French staples, offering a familiar and innovative menu.

      Opened Their Doors in 2014 – Cafe Juwelier

      Since opening in 2014, classic fine dining restaurants like Cafe Juwelier have become municipal landmarks.
      These establishments have made their mark on the local food scene, attracting locals and visitors.

      Bar du Champagne: A Touch of Luxury

      To add a bit of elegance to your meal, many restaurants in Amsterdam offer curated drink menus. For instance, Bar du Champagne is ideal for pairing great champagne with a dinner to enhance the experience.

      Bak Restaurant: A Hidden Gem

      Located along the harbour, Bak Restaurant is a must-visit for those seeking something off the beaten path. The food here focuses on local and organic ingredients, with each dish artfully prepared and presented.

      Michelin-Starred Creations

      The likes of Chefs Richard van Oostenbrugge have put Amsterdam on the map for food lovers. With inventive dishes that delight the senses, dining at a Michelin restaurant like theirs is a must for any serious foodie.

      Amsterdam Barbizon Palace Hotel

      Dining at the Amsterdam Barbizon Palace Hotel

      For those staying at the Amsterdam Barbizon Palace Hotel, dining is more than just a meal—it’s an experience. The hotel is home to Restaurant Vermeer, a Michelin-starred restaurant offering refined dishes in an elegant setting.

      Troef and Its Creative Menu

      At Troef, every dish is a celebration of creativity. The restaurant has earned a reputation for its inventive approach to Dutch cuisine, making it a favourite among locals and tourists.

      Restaurant Flore: A Taste of France

      For those craving French food, Restaurant Flore offers a selection of dishes that range from classic to contemporary. Its sophisticated atmosphere and impeccable service make it the perfect place for a special night out.

      Sushi at Helling: A Japanese Twist

      For something a bit different, head to Helling for a fine-dining sushi experience. The restaurant’s attention to detail and use of the freshest ingredients make it stand out in Amsterdam’s dining scene.

      Fine dining only sometimes means fancy tablecloths and candlelight. Even a bowl of ramen or a sushi plate in Amsterdam can be a gourmet experience. Places like Helling7 are known for turning everyday dishes into culinary masterpieces.

      Fine Dining in the Dutch Capital

      When visiting for a special occasion or treating yourself, fine dining in Amsterdam is an experience to be noticed. With its mix of Dutch and international flavours, the city offers a diverse culinary experience as it is delicious.

      Vegetarian Fine Dining Amsterdam

      Vegan and Vegetarian Fine Dining at Spectrum

      Spectrum is also at the forefront of vegan and vegetarian fine dining, a growing trend in the culinary world. Amsterdam is known for embracing plant-based cuisine, and Spectrum is no exception. Their executive chef creates a delicious 7-course fine dining experience.

      The restaurant offers a full vegan and vegetarian menu, featuring dishes that are just as complex and flavorful as their meat-based counterparts. From delicate vegetable terrines to innovative plant-based desserts, Spectrum redefines what it means to eat sustainably without sacrificing taste or elegance.

      For those seeking a fine dining experience that aligns with their dietary preferences, Spectrum provides a top-tier option. The restaurant uses freshorganic, and locally sourced foods to make every meal healthy and tasty.

      Other Fine Dining Gems in Amsterdam

      Amsterdam’s culinary scene is diverse, and there are several fine dining restaurants worth exploring. Here are a few more top spots for a memorable meal:

      From innovative vegan dishes to classic gourmet experiences, the city is a haven for food lovers. Plan your next unforgettable dining experience in this vibrant European city and immerse yourself in Amsterdam’s culinary delights.

      Open Boat Tour Amsterdam

      romantic canal boat amsterdam

      Explore Amsterdam with an Open Boat Tour

      Discover Amsterdam through an open boat tour, one of the best ways to experience the iconic canals. Boatboys offers the open boat Tzar for private boat rental and other boats with open area. These boats offer an intimate and up-close look at the city’s historical landmarks, architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re a visitor or a local, the open boat tour of Amsterdam is an unforgettable experience.

      open boat tour private baot tzar amsterdam

      Why Choose an Open Boat Tour?

      An open boat tour Amsterdam offers a unique experience compared to traditional canal cruises. The open-top design of the boats provides unobstructed views, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the city’s beauty. With an open boat canal cruise to Amsterdam, you can enjoy the stunning sights while enjoying the fresh air and natural surroundings.

      If you want to relax in heated indoor seating during colder months or bask on the sun deck in summer through Amsterdam’s canals, The Tzar is the ultimate way to cruise with a luxurious private boat for up to six guests.

      open boat tour amsterdam

      A classic luxury boat available for private tours on Amsterdam’s canals is The Undine. This beautifully restored vessel offers an intimate setting with options for high tea, lunch, dinner, or drinks on board up to eight-person capacity.

      Experience the perfect boat cruise in all seasons! Both boats are fully covered and equipped with integrated heating systems, ensuring cosy warmth with elegant indoor seating during winter. For summer days, the sun deck features comfortable seating and soft backrests, offering an ideal spot to soak up the sun.

      Enjoy complimentary coffee and tea with our onboard coffee machine and your favourite meals curated by our catering team for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, or high tea. Our minibar has various beverages, including champagne, Prosecco, hand picked wines, beer, and soft drinks.

      open sundeck private boat undine amsterdam

      Take this opportunity to disconnect from technology and reconnect with family and friends. Book your tickets today via our website or contact us for more details.

      Amsterdam’s Iconic Canals

      Amsterdam’s canals are world-famous, and there’s no better way to explore them than with an Amsterdam open boat canal cruise. These boats allow you to glide through the serene waters, admiring the historic buildings, beautiful bridges, and charming houseboats that line the canals. It’s an authentic Amsterdam canal cruise experience.

      Open Boat Amsterdam: The Perfect City Cruise

      The open-boat Amsterdam experience is different from typical enclosed boat tours. With an open boat, you have a 360-degree view of the city, making capturing photos and enjoying the sights easier. On your journey, you’ll pass under the famous Skinny Bridge and other iconic landmarks.

      You can also pass the famous Prinsengracht and the iconic Houseboatmuseum Amsterdam!

      houseboatmuseum on the prinsengracht

      The Best Time for an Open Boat Tour

      Amsterdam’s open boat tours run yearly, offering a different city perspective each season. Summer is perfect for warm, sunny days on the water, while winter evening canal cruises provide a magical experience as the city lights reflect on the water. Book your evening canal cruise for an unforgettable night-time adventure.

      Open Boat Canal Cruise Amsterdam: A Fun Group Activity

      The open small boat tour of Amsterdam in the Netherlands is ideal for groups looking for a fun and relaxing way to explore the city. Whether planning a family outing or a corporate event, the open boat ride offers a great way to bond while passing the main sights of Amsterdam.

      Unlimited Drinks on Board on request

      Elevate your Amsterdam open-boat cruise experience with unlimited drinks, including wine, beer, and soft drinks, as you sail through the stunning canals. Whether hosting a cocktail party or enjoying a quiet evening, our stylish teak table and wooden minibar add sophistication to any setting. Relax and enjoy the journey while soaking in the views. To ensure a seamless experience, book an appointment in advance. Let us help you create a memorable and stylish event on the canals of Amsterdam!

      champagne on the private open boat tour amsterdam

      Famous Sights Along the Way

      As you cruise through Amsterdam, you’ll pass by famous landmarks such as the Skinny Bridge, the Anne Frank House, and the Heineken Experience. Your guide will share fascinating stories and historical facts about each site, giving you a deeper understanding of the city.

      private open boat tour passing amstel river and amstel hotel

      Amsterdam’s Best Canal Tour Options

      The Boatboys company is famous for its high-quality boats and knowledgeable guides. You can opt for their private canal cruise if you prefer a exclusive experience. It is one of the best canal tours in Amsterdam.

      Booking Your Open Boat Tour

      Booking your Amsterdam canal cruise is easy, with many options available online. Check for available tickets and pick the best departure times for your schedule. Whether you choose a daytime tour or an evening canal cruise, you’re guaranteed a memorable experience. Any questions about our electric boat tours? Feel free to contact us! You can buy your tickets directly online via our reservation system.

      opem tour boat undine amsterdam

      Explore Amsterdam by Water

      The beauty of Amsterdam lies in its unique layout, with canals running throughout the city. The open boat cruise gives you a different perspective, allowing you to appreciate the architecture, the canals, and the vibrant life on the water.

      How much does a boat ride cost in Amsterdam?

      The price of private Amsterdam canal cruises starts at €250 per hour, with options like the Undine, Tzar or Ritz boats. These private boats are ideal for romantic outings or group cruises, accommodating up to 12 people. For larger groups, a variety of private boats are also available. Each boat offers a unique experience, from intimate gatherings to larger celebrations. Check out more details about bigger group and We also have a variety of private boats for big groups.

      How long is the boat tour in Amsterdam?

      The boat can be booked from 1 hour to 3 hours. The time of boat tour in Amsterdam varies depending on the route and the extras you book.

      Is it worth doing a canal cruise in Amsterdam?

      Amsterdam canal tours are worthwhile. This unusual way to visit the city’s canals shows old buildings, beautiful bridges, and hidden gems you wouldn’t see on foot.

      Can you travel by boat in Amsterdam?

      Yes. The city has a lot of canals that make it great for visiting by boat. There are a lot of choices, like public canal trips, and private boat tours. By boat, you can see the city’s landmarks from a different angle and take your time going through the famous canals.

      lightened up bridges canal belt amsterdam

      Which boat tour to take in Amsterdam?

      Amsterdam has various private cruise options that will suit your preferences:

      Do canal boats in Amsterdam have toilets?

      Our Amsterdam flagship is the luxury boat Ritz which also has a restroom on board.

      open rear of private open boat ritz amsterdam

      Romantic Restaurants Amsterdam

      romantic canal tour amsterdam

      Fall in Love at These 10 Romantic Restaurants in Amsterdam

      Are you searching for the perfect romantic restaurants Amsterdam? The venice of the North which is Amsterdam also called is the perfect city for a romantic night. For a cozy setting to celebrate a special occasion with your loved one? Look no further than Amsterdam, the charming city known for its picturesque canals and vibrant dining scene. Amsterdam boasts an array of romantic restaurants that are sure to leave you and your partner smitten. Whether you’re seeking an intimate candlelit dinner or a cozy, candlelit ambiance. These ten romantic restaurants in Amsterdam are designed to enhance your dining experience and leave you with memories to cherish.

      Key takeaways

      • Amsterdam offers a variety of romantic restaurants perfect for a special occasion
      • These restaurants feature intimate ambiance and delectable menus
      • Make sure to book in advance as these restaurants tend to fill up quickly


      1. Private Dinner Cruise with Boatboys – Romantic Dinner on the Water

      A date night in the most romantic restaurant Amsterdam is certainly on board of the polished luxury private boats of boat tour agency Boatboys. The floating dinner experience sets a cosy restaurants atmosphere. A private canal tour is perfect for a romantic weekend and to combine sightseeing and culinary experience in one. Book your dinner date tour via the reservation system and choose for a special night out with your beloved one.

      romantic restaurant amsterdam


      The table is made up with white tablclothes. On request, additional romantic decoration like rose petals and heart shaped balloons are an option as well. You can upgrade the tour to a 2, 3 or 4 course dinner experience on the water and even add a biscuit cake or Champagne to it.

      Your valentine will certainly be amazed by this romantic canal tour and the dutch dishes. You can choose from unique restaurants and order a la carte on board. The food is getting served into the boat. The delicious meal in combination with dimmed candlelight makes this the perfect private canal boat ride.


      romantic canal tour amsterdam


      The private canal boat is also the ultimate place for a romantic wedding proposal! Cruising in the most romantic cities in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, underneath the lightened up skinny bridge will met your parters heart for sure.

      The food options on this cruise Amsterdam can be any from dutch food, vegan restaurants like the Vegan Sushi Bar or meat and seafood a la carte option Restaurant Red. Your date can spontaneously decide the preferred food option on this private boat tour and enjoy the romantic dinner on the Amsterdam canals.


      romantic canal boat amsterdam

      Vegan food options during the romantic restaurant Amsterdam experience

      The cruise can also be made vegan-friendly. The options are not just a fully plant based restaurant, but also a vegan raspberry biscuit cake or carrot cake. Next to that, the drinks are vegan friendly and not filtered with animal ingredients. The high-end drinks like Veuve Clicquot Champagne is vegan friendly as well and can be added to the tour when booking online.


      1 hour amsterdam canal cruise


      2. De Kas Amsterdam

      Nestled in the heart of Amsterdam, De Kas is an oasis of romance and culinary excellence that will transport you and your partner to a world of indulgence. Originally a greenhouse dating back to 1926, this extraordinary restaurant combines the beauty of nature with the artistry of cooking. The exquisite ambiance, with its glass walls and lush greenery, sets the stage for a romantic dining experience like no other. It also serves as style summer restaurant due to its spacious outdoor area where you can also enjoy lunch. One of the only greenhouse restaurants in Europe!

      De Kas prides itself on sourcing the freshest ingredients, with many coming straight from their own nursery. The ever-changing menu showcases the best of what the season has to offer, with dishes that are not only visually stunning but also bursting with flavor. From the delicate flavors of the sea to the hearty richness of locally-sourced meats. De Kas offers a gastronomic journey that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. The restaurants is also one of the michelin star restaurants in Amsterdam. The michelin star was given in 2023.

      To make your evening truly special, make sure to reserve a table by the open kitchen where you can watch the talented chefs create culinary masterpieces right before your eyes. Indulge in a glass of fine wine from their extensive selection. Let the enchanting atmosphere of De Kas set the stage for a romantic evening you and your partner won’t soon forget.


      3. The White Room – highly recommended dinner restaurant of the Netherlands

      Step into a world of elegance and opulence at The White Room, a Michelin-starred restaurant situated in the iconic NH Collection Amsterdam Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky. During the day used as the café, it is the perfect place for an atmospheric winter restaurant. With its stunning white decor, crystal chandeliers, and plush seating, The White Room exudes an air of sophistication and romance that is sure to impress.

      Led by renowned chef Jacob Jan Boerma, the culinary team at The White Room creates innovative and visually stunning dishes. Those are as much a feast for the eyes as they are for the palate. Each dish is meticulously crafted using the finest ingredients, resulting in a dining experience that is nothing short of exceptional.

      The White Room offers both a tasting menu and an à la carte menu, giving you the opportunity to tailor your dining experience to your preferences. Indulge in delicacies such as roasted langoustine, wagyu beef, and exquisite desserts that are almost too beautiful to eat. Pair your meal with a selection from their extensive wine list, curated to perfectly complement each dish.


      4. Restaurant C

      For a dining experience that combines romance with breathtaking views, look no further than Restaurant C. Located on the top floor of the luxurious Hotel W Amsterdam, this rooftop restaurant offers panoramic vistas of the city skyline, providing the perfect backdrop for a memorable evening.

      Restaurant C prides itself on its innovative and playful approach to dining, with a menu inspired by international flavors and culinary techniques. Each dish is a work of art, meticulously plated to excite both the palate and the eyes. From the delicate flavors of Asian-inspired dishes to the boldness of Mediterranean cuisine, Restaurant C takes you on a gastronomic journey around the world.

      In addition to its delectable menu, Restaurant C boasts an impressive cocktail bar where skilled mixologists concoct unique and inventive drinks. Sip on a carefully crafted cocktail as you take in the breathtaking views, and let the magic of Restaurant C sweep you and your partner off your feet.


      5. Bussia – one of the most famous italian restaurants in Amsterdam

      Tucked away in Amsterdam’s vibrant Jordaan neighborhood, Bussia offers an intimate and romantic dining experience influenced by the flavors of Northern Italy. This hidden gem combines exquisite Italian cuisine with a cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect choice for a romantic evening.

      At Bussia, each dish is lovingly prepared using the finest ingredients sourced both locally and from Italy. From handmade pasta to succulent roasted meats, the menu showcases the rich and diverse flavors of Italian cuisine. Indulge in classics such as homemade gnocchi, osso buco, and tiramisu, and savor the authentic tastes of Italy right here in Amsterdam.

      The warm and inviting ambiance of Bussia, with its dim lighting and rustic decor, creates an intimate setting that is perfect for couples. The attentive staff provides impeccable service, ensuring that your evening at Bussia is both memorable and magical.


      6. Moon – amazing views of Amsterdam

      Perched high above the city, Moon is a unique and enchanting restaurant that offers panoramic views of Amsterdam. Located on the 19th floor of the A’DAM Tower, this revolving restaurant takes dining to new heights, quite literally. Take your date to this spectacular view restaurant and enjoy the panoroma windows.

      Step into Moon and prepare to be mesmerized by the breathtaking 360-degree views of the city’s skyline. Indulge in a culinary journey inspired by Dutch cuisine. The menu at Moon highlights the finest local and seasonal ingredients, transformed into innovative and visually stunning dishes. From Dutch classics with a modern twist to creative vegetarian options, Moon caters to every palate.

      As you enjoy your meal, sit back and watch as the restaurant slowly revolves, allowing you to take in the ever-changing scenery of Amsterdam. The romantic ambiance, coupled with the stunning views, creates an unforgettable dining experience that is sure to leave you and your partner falling in love all over again.


      7. Vinkeles – Amsterdams gem

      Nestled in the heart of Amsterdam’s historical Jordaan neighbourhood, Vinkeles is a hidden gem known for its intimate ambiance and refined French cuisine. Situated in the luxurious Dylan hotel, this Michelin-starred restaurant offers a dining experience that is both elegant and romantic. Food travel experts appreciate the french food and say the quality is as good as in Paris! Also ideal to combine this restaurants during a Jordaan food tour, as you can easily hop from one to the other restaurant in this area. Jordaan usually has also a lot of asian restuarants, so its a great addition to the variety of that district.

      Vinkeles prides itself on its bespoke menu, which showcases the best of French gastronomy using the finest ingredients. From delicate seafood dishes to expertly cooked meats, each plate is a work of art that is designed to delight both the eye and the palate. Let the attentive staff guide you through the culinary journey, ensuring that every moment at Vinkeles is filled with romance and luxury.

      The intimate setting of Vinkeles, with its dim lighting and elegant decor, sets the stage for a special evening with your loved one. The attentive service and attention to detail make Vinkeles the perfect choice for couples seeking a romantic dining experience in Amsterdam.


      8. Bluespoon

      Located in the heart of Amsterdam’s trendy Nine Streets district, Bluespoon is a vibrant and stylish restaurant that offers a modern twist on classic European cuisine. With its chic decor, colorful accents, and energetic atmosphere, Bluespoon creates a dining experience that is both relaxed and romantic.

      Bluespoon takes pride in its ever-evolving menu, which focuses on showcasing the best of seasonal ingredients sourced from local suppliers. The dishes are designed to be shared, allowing you and your partner to indulge in a culinary adventure together. From mouthwatering small plates to hearty mains, Bluespoon offers a diverse range of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.

      In addition to its delectable menu, Bluespoon boasts an impressive cocktail bar that offers a wide selection of creative and inventive drinks. Sip on a signature cocktail, crafted with utmost precision, as you soak in the vibrant atmosphere and enjoy an evening of romance and indulgence.


      9. La Rive

      Situated along the banks of the Amstel River, La Rive is a legendary restaurant known for its exquisite cuisine and timeless elegance. Located in the luxurious InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam, this Michelin-starred restaurant offers a dining experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

      La Rive’s menu showcases the best of French and Mediterranean cuisine, with an emphasis on using seasonal ingredients of the highest quality. From delicate seafood dishes to richly flavored meats, each plate is a masterpiece that is designed to delight the senses. The extensive wine list, featuring a wide selection of international wines, ensures that every dish is perfectly complemented.

      The elegant and sophisticated ambiance of La Rive, with its plush seating and stunning views of the river, creates a romantic setting that is ideal for couples. Impeccable service and attention to detail are at the core of La Rive’s dining experience, ensuring that every moment spent in this enchanting restaurant is filled with romance and indulgence.


      10. The Duchess – also popular among Amsterdam locals

      Step into the realm of opulence and grandeur at The Duchess, a majestic restaurant located in the iconic W Amsterdam. With its breathtaking decor, which combines elements of Belle Époque grandeur with contemporary design, The Duchess is the epitome of luxury and romance. Perfect for a date night in Amsterdam.

      The Duchess offers a menu that is inspired by the flavors of Southern France and Italy, with a modern twist. Indulge in exquisite dishes such as truffle risotto, roasted seabass, and delectable desserts that are designed to transport you to a world of culinary delight. The extensive wine list, featuring an array of carefully curated vintages, offers the perfect accompaniment to your meal.

      The elegant and sophisticated ambiance of The Duchess. With its plush seating and stunning chandeliers, creates a romantic setting that is perfect for couples looking to celebrate a special occasion. Immerse yourself in the world of luxury and let The Duchess sweep you and your partner off your feet.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      What makes Amsterdam a romantic city for dining?

      Amsterdam is known for its charming canals, picturesque architecture, and vibrant atmosphere, making it a perfect setting for romantic dining experiences. The city offers a plethora of intimate restaurants with scenic views that set the perfect ambiance for a romantic meal.

      How can I make a reservation at a romantic restaurant in Amsterdam?

      To make a reservation at one of the romantic restaurants in Amsterdam, you can either call the restaurant directly or book a table online through their website or a booking platform. It is recommended to make reservations in advance, especially for popular restaurants, to secure a romantic dining experience.

      Are these romantic restaurants in Amsterdam suitable for special occasions like anniversaries or proposals?

      Yes, many of the romantic restaurants in Amsterdam are perfect for special occasions like anniversaries or proposals. These restaurants often offer special packages or services to make your celebration even more memorable. Make sure to inform the restaurant about your special occasion when making a reservation.

      What type of cuisine can I expect at these romantic restaurants in Amsterdam?

      The romantic restaurants in Amsterdam offer a diverse range of cuisines to cater to different preferences. You can expect to find anything from classic French and Italian dishes to innovative fusion cuisine and local Dutch specialties. Each restaurant has its own unique menu created by talented chefs to delight your taste buds.

      Is it necessary to dress up for dining at these romantic restaurants in Amsterdam?

      While there is no strict dress code for dining at romantic restaurants in Amsterdam, it is recommended to dress smart-casual to match the elegant ambiance of these establishments. Many guests choose to dress up for a special night out to enhance the romantic atmosphere and create a memorable experience.

      Windmill Tours Amsterdam

      Windmill Tours Amsterdam private boat

      Discovering Amsterdam’s Windmills, Breweries, and Beyond”


      Amsterdam, a city of enchanting canals and timeless charm, holds within its embrace the stoic guardians of its past – the windmills. In this article, we embark on a journey through the iconic Amsterdam windmill tours, blending history with contemporary delights such as the De Gooyer Windmill, the Molen van Sloten, the Windmill Brewery, and exploring windmills near Amsterdam that add a rustic touch to the city’s rich heritage.Windmill Tours Amsterdam private boat

      1. Historic Windmill Tours in Amsterdam

      Amsterdam’s windmills, those silent witnesses to the city’s evolution, stand as echoes of yesteryear. The Molen van Sloten, with its functional beauty, and the De Gooyer Windmill, a testament to brewing history, provide a captivating glimpse into the bygone eras that shaped the city’s landscape.The most scenic way to explore the windmill of Amsterdam is by private boat. The luxury canal boats give you the comfort of shade/sun or heated indoor cabins so you can safely enjoy the city in any weather condition. Cruising on the beautiful canals, you will have enough sights to look at until you reach your favourite point of the tour – the windmill of Amsterdam! Let you captain know that you like to cruise to the area so he can show you the beautiful windmill during your boat ride.
      amsterdam windmill tours
      Amsterdam Windmill Tours on a private boat – discover the windmill of Amsterdam
      windmill tours amsterdam netherlands

      2. Brouwerij Amsterdam Windmill – De Gooyer – Where Brewing Meets History

      Nestled in the Oost neighborhood, the De Gooyer Amsterdam Brewery Windmill not only graces Amsterdam’s skyline but also holds a secret within its shadows – the Brouwerij ‘t IJ, a craft brewery housed beneath its towering presence. Combining a visit to this windmill with a tasting tour of the Windmill Brewery allows you to savor artisanal beers amid the rustic ambiance of centuries-old brewing traditions.

      3. Molen van Sloten: Polder Mills and Countryside Escapes

      Venturing a bit beyond the city center, the Molen van Sloten awaits, surrounded by serene landscapes and waterways. As a fully operational polder mill, it offers an immersive experience into the Dutch countryside. Guided tours bring the windmill to life, offering insights into milling techniques and the fascinating world of polder mills.

      4. Private Boat Tours: Navigating Windmills and Canals

      For an exclusive adventure, weave windmill exploration into a private boat tour along Amsterdam’s canals. Drift past the De Gooyer Windmill, with its towering presence, and catch glimpses of other iconic windmills adorning the waterside. This personalized journey combines the grace of canal cruising with the allure of historical windmills.

      6. Windmill Tours Near Amsterdam The Netherlands: Rural Retreats and Hidden Gems

      Beyond the city limits lie charming windmills that paint the countryside with rustic strokes. Day trips from Amsterdam to places like Zaanse Schans and Kinderdijk offer an opportunity to explore well-preserved windmills in bucolic settings, providing a picturesque retreat from urban life.

      7. Windmill-Adjacent Neighborhoods: Jordaan and Beyond

      Pairing windmill exploration with a stroll through neighborhoods like Jordaan enhances the overall experience. Discover the intersection of historical windmills and the vibrant culture of Amsterdam’s neighborhoods, where narrow streets, cozy cafes, and boutiques add layers to the tapestry of the city.While walking through this popular area, it is also worth checking out the famous Houseboatmuseum – to get a houseboatexperience first hand!

      8. Windmill Tours in Amsterdam – Tips and Suggestions:

      Crafting a seamless windmill adventure involves thoughtful planning. Researching windmill tours, checking schedules, and combining windmill visits with canal cruises or brewery tours can elevate your experience. Additionally, exploring nearby attractions and cafes enhances the overall journey.

      Conclusion: A Symphony of Past and Present:

      Amsterdam’s windmills stand as guardians of time, gracefully blending past and present. Whether you’re savoring craft beers at the Windmill Brewery, navigating canals on a private boat tour, or venturing to windmills near Amsterdam, each experience unfolds a new chapter in the city’s rich narrative. So, let the winds of time guide you through the charming lanes, waterways, and countryside, where the whispers of windmills tell tales of a bygone era seamlessly woven into the vibrant fabric of modern Amsterdam.

      Gay Pride Amsterdam

      gay pride amsterdam

      Celebrating Diversity: Amsterdam Pride Unveiled


      Gay Pride Amsterdam – worldwide known for the spectactular floating gay parade festival on the canals. Amsterdam, a city renowned for its liberal spirit, iconic canals, and historic charm, becomes a dazzling kaleidoscope of colors and inclusivity during its annual Pride celebration. In this article, we embark on a journey through the heart of Amsterdam Pride, exploring the vibrant festivities, rich history, and the unique atmosphere that makes this event a symbol of love, acceptance, and diversity.

      gay pride amsterdam

      1. The Origins of Amsterdam Pride

      Gay Pride Amsterdam traces its roots back to the early ’90s, marked by a series of protests and demonstrations advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. Over the years, the event has transformed into a jubilant celebration, while still honoring its activist origins. Today, it stands as one of the most renowned Pride festivals globally.

      2. Canal Parade: A Nautical Spectacle of Love

      At the heart of Amsterdam Gay Pride is the world-famous Canal Parade. Each year, elaborately decorated boats cruise along the city’s picturesque canals, creating a dazzling floating procession that celebrates diversity. The Canal Parade is a visual feast, with participants showcasing creativity, flamboyant costumes, and messages of love and acceptance.

      You can also enjoy this special day on a private boat tour and see the gay canal parade from the water (or at least parts of it).

      amsterdam gay pride boat tour

      3. Street Parties and Festivities: A City Alive with Energy

      Amsterdam Gay Pride extends beyond the canals, infusing the city streets with infectious energy. Vibrant street parties, performances, and events take place across various neighborhoods, transforming Amsterdam into a joyous carnival where everyone is encouraged to be their authentic selves.

      4. Embracing Inclusivity: The Meaning of Amsterdam Gay Pride

      Amsterdam Gay Parade is more than just a festival; it’s a profound statement about acceptance and the celebration of diversity. Inclusivity is woven into the fabric of the event, creating a space where people of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities can come together in a spirit of unity.

      5. The Rainbow District: A Symbolic Transformation

      During Pride, certain areas of Amsterdam undergo a transformative journey, embracing rainbow colors and symbols. The iconic Homomonument, situated in the heart of the city, becomes a focal point for commemorating LGBTQ+ history and celebrating progress made in the fight for equal rights.

      6. Cultural Events and Exhibitions: Nurturing Understanding

      Amsterdam Pride Week offers a platform for various cultural events and exhibitions that explore LGBTQ+ themes. These initiatives aim to foster understanding, encourage dialogue, and promote empathy within the broader community. From art installations to film screenings, the cultural aspect of Pride contributes to its richness and depth.

      7. Activism and Advocacy: Amplifying Voices

      While Amsterdam Pride is a jubilant affair, it also retains its roots in activism. Workshops, discussions, and forums are organized to address current issues facing the LGBTQ+ community, providing a space for education, awareness, and collective advocacy.

      8. Planning Your Gay Pride Amsterdam Experience: Tips for a Memorable Celebration

      Whether you’re a local or a visitor, navigating Amsterdam Pride requires a bit of planning to make the most of the festivities. From selecting prime spots along the Canal Parade route to exploring LGBTQ+-friendly venues, a well-thought-out strategy ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.

      Conclusion: Amsterdam Gay Parade – Where Love Knows No Bounds

      As the vibrant colors of the Pride flag flutter against the backdrop of Amsterdam’s canals, the city becomes a living testament to the ideals of love, acceptance, and equality. Amsterdam Pride is not just an event; it’s a celebration of the human spirit, a dazzling mosaic of identities coming together to embrace the beauty of diversity. Whether you’re dancing in the streets, marveling at the Canal Parade, or engaging in thoughtful conversations, Amsterdam Pride invites everyone to be a part of a joyous and inclusive celebration that echoes the city’s commitment to unity and acceptance.

      Looking for a private boat rental which is LQBTQ+ friendly? Book your private boat tour with your own captain and minibar during the gay parade week.